
Preparing, strengthening, restoring marriages and families

Resources for Pastors:

In our counseling work, we frequently direct people to various resources available to help with the variety of struggles that life brings. There are excellent books that touch on the subjects involved. Here is a list of titles and authors that compiled over time covering a variety of topics with which people typically struggle.

The Wounded Heart – Allender, Dan
Your Defiant Child – Barkley, Russell
Each for the Other – Chapell, Bryan
The Five Love Languages – Chapman, Gary
Effective Biblical Counseling – Crabb, Larry
Sacred Romance – Eldredge, John
Journey of Desire – Eldredge, John
Waking the Dead – Eldredge, John
Captivating, Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul – Eldredge, John & Stasi
Total Forgiveness – Kendall, RT
A Grief Observed – Lewis, CS
Through a Season of Grief, Bill Dunn and Kathy Leonard
When Godly People Do Ungodly Things – Moore, Beth
Saving Your Marriage Before it Starts – Parrot, Les & Leslie
Helping Your Anxious Child – Rapee, Spense & Cotham
A Celebration of Sex – Rosenau, Dr. Douglas
Making Peace – Sande, Ken
When God Weeps – Tada, Joni Erikson
Sacred Marriage – Thomas, Gary
TrueFaced –Thrall, Bill, McNicol, Bruce and Lynch, John
Age of Opportunity – Tripp, Paul
Instruments of Change – Tripp, Paul
Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands – Tripp, Paul
Shepherding a Child’s Heart – Tripp, Tedd
How to Act Right When Your Mate Acts Wrong – Vernick, Leslie
The TRUTH Principle – Vernick, Leslie
Truefaced – Bill Thrall
Getting Over the Blues – Vernick, Leslie
Hurt People, Hurt People – Wilson, Sandra D.
Hope Focused Marriage – Worthington, Everritt
What’s So Amazing about Grace – Yancey, Phillip