Marriage Intensives

Marriage Intensives

We now offer two day marriage and couples intensives designed to focus on INTIMACY within a small group setting of no more than five couples. Our scheduling is flexible and we can also meet with you on a per couple basis. Here we give various tools to couples in one weekend to produce HOPE for couples willing to clear out the baggage of past wounds from previous relationships and their childhoods. We help you navigate your journey out of brokenness. The entire process needs to be explored and healed before you can truly be happy, first with yourself and then with a mate.

Some of the issues we address are:

  • Creating intimacy and trust.
  • Overcoming codependency.
  • Self-esteem and healthy boundaries.
  • Loving without addiction.
  • Depression, anxiety, and stress.
  • Grief, loss, and loneliness.
  • Resolving conflicts.
  • Sexual difficulties.
  • Childhood wounds related to alcoholism, incest and other traumas.
  • Effective communication and anger release.
  • The ability to express emotion in a healthy way.
  • Money and power struggles.
  • Exploring purpose, meaning, and spiritual growth.
  • Clarifying commitments.
  • Freeing creativity, spontaneity and joy.
  • Eliminating harmful criticism and teaching healthy criticism.

We provide a comprehensive and professional approach to help couples enrich their marriage using interactive exercises. Our successful couples intensive program offers a focused Christian based program away from distractions and is an alternative to weekly counseling. It is designed to teach communication and conflict resolution skills necessary to address core issues and reignite passion in your marriage. Perhaps your marriage is in a rut. Are you feeling lonely, discouraged and exhausted? Please take a step to restore your marriage. Hope at last!

Call today 941-376-9355 and inquire about future openings.

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January 6, 2017